i got this new annick goutal scent from san francisco and it smells like barney's during x'mas. i have been in love with annick since i tried the petite cherie on first time at joyce. oh, that was like ages ago, i was still in magazine paying my beauty editor's duty, testing and wearing all kinds of perfume..... it was hella fun and life was so simple back then....
the ring i got from fredflare is only 5 bucks, but the shipping cost cost me like 20, oh well.. then I saw the same ring at pioneer square in portland for 140! I was like, what da ??? but it turned out was made of 18K gold and the one i have is just a plain bronze knock off...
but i really love the name of the ring.. forget me knot.. forget me not, or put on this knot ring then forget about me...
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